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Yoga evening with gongs: self-esteem

This evening we let ourselves be carried away by the powerful sounds of the gong. We start the evening with soft vinyasa and yin yoga, which is suitable for everyone. Then we let the gongs and sound bowls take us on a longer journey - to meet ourselves and self-worth. ABOUT GONGS The gong is an ancient and awe-inspiring instrument with a powerful and all-encompassing sound. Considered to be one of the oldest musical instruments in the world, this sacred instrument is known […]

A sound evening with a child

Gustav's house Pikk 28, Rakvere, 44307 Lääne-Viru county

Sound evening with children Saturday, April 6 at 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Gustavi Maja OÜ • Pikk 28, 44307 Rakvere, Lääne-Viru county Buy a ticket Come with your child or children to a magical evening of sounds where you are together so that you can really see each other. You see your wonderful child and he sees you. Noticing his soul, looking into his eyes and being really present.💚We create with sounds full of love and light […]

Gong hypnojourney - What can get better today?

Gustav's house Pikk 28, Rakvere, 44307 Lääne-Viru county

The gong journey is conducted by Andres Põhjala and he is supported by Jane Vogt, who casts a spell at the beginning of the journey and ends the journey with a beautiful song💚💚During the gong hypnojourney, we learn how our daily thoughts and judgments affect our feelings and actions.💚We learn that by focusing on the positive, such as work achievements, interesting activities, fulfilling relationships and finding beauty in simple things, we create joy and anticipation for ourselves.💚We discover that […]

Gong Super Breathing

On the gongs, Andres Põhjala. Superbreathing is guided by Liina Carolina Forsel. Description of the breathing process: Dear breathing enthusiast, you are welcome to take part in Gong superbreathing, which releases stress, anxiety and unconscious blockages. The vibration of the gongs quickly brings the organism to a super state, where the body, mind and feelings are in perfect balance. Gong Super Breathing is a 1 hour 20 minute breathing process that is compiled from the best of the holotropic, transpersonal and transformative breathing schools […]

Sound tour of Laulasmaa

Klogaranna road 26 Kloogaranna tee 26, Laulasmaa, Harjumaa, Estonia

By their very nature, sounds contain the original vibrational pattern of the world. The purpose of healing is to balance our body, to treat the cognitive organs and subtle bodies. The journey takes us deep within ourselves, people can experience different levels of consciousness, see images and feel other bodily sensations. This form of music can be called wholeness-creating. It takes place with gongs, crystal sound bowls and many other musical instruments. People listen to the concert while lying down. […]


Gongyö Kütke

Turn on the Room Jaanisauna, Harku parish, Harju County, Estonia

If you want to get away from everyday life and experience something special with your friends, a gong night might be just what you're looking for. Kytke Ruum, in the middle of nature and away from the city noise, offers an opportunity to spend time differently than usual. The plan is a sauna and time to just be, listening to the sounds of gongs, which take your thoughts further and bring you closer to yourself, helping you to relax and heal. It is a great […]

Gong Super Breathing

One house Valdeku 66, Nõmme, Tallinn, Harju County, Estonia

Gongidel Andres PõhjalaSuperbreathing is guided by Liina Carolina ForselRelease stress, anxiety and subconscious blockages.SUPERBREATHING Superbreathing is a breathing process lasting 1 hour and 20 minutes, which is assembled from the best elements of the holotropic, transpersonal and transformative breathing school. Unlike many other breathing techniques, super breathing has a predetermined breathing rhythm, bodywork and voice are used to effectively get rid of blockages and tensions accumulated in the body during life. Gong super breathing allows […]

The Power of Knowledge - Emotional Abuse

Private School Conscious Me Ahtri 8, Tallinn, Harju, Estonia

A 3-hour continuing education seminar on Zoom and on site. Emotional abuse - difficulties in accepting your reality. during contact with different people and different mental problems both in my own private practice, in the addiction clinic, in the ISTE project of Jõelähtme municipality and [...]


Gong Mind Purification

One House Valdeku 66, Tallinn

☯️How do you relax? really release your tension..Do you like the person you offer to your loved ones? Being away from the city, by the sea, I felt a wonderful lightness in my body and saw how contrasting and crazy it is to live in the city pace. Living in the city means that we have to actively look for ways to relieve our stress, maintain our mental and emotional hygiene. Otherwise, […]


GONG CONCERT - Thank you, mother!

Kristina's Magic Studio Aardla 25e, Tartu, Tartumaa, Estonia

Dear mothers and grandmothers! You and your whole family are invited to the gong concert to celebrate Mother's Day. The concert is a tribute to being a mother, to recognize the shared love and care.💐🥰Let's go on a journey into ourselves to connect with gratitude, brightness and creativity. We work on noticing and feeling gratitude in our everyday life on a subconscious level so that it becomes a habit of our life and a new superpower without much effort.❤️The gong concert takes place lying down. Take […]


A magic exercise

Laitse Granitvilla Lossipargi tee 8, Laitse, Saue, Harju county, Estonia

17 years of marriage and a big crisis - the last attempt to save the marriage is to use the help of a family counselor. Is the counselor up to the level and able to help the married couple in crisis or do they have to swear by him? highlight the topics of marriage crisis and family counseling. A 17-year-old marriage falls into a major crisis, which is why it is decided to [...]


The Power of Knowledge - Intellectual Abuse

Private School Conscious Me Ahtri 8, Tallinn, Harju, Estonia

3-hour continuing education seminar on Zoom and on-site. Intellectual abuse - difficulties in taking care of one's needs and desires in adulthood. The seminar broadens the understanding of how different thought, feeling and behavior patterns arise during childhood abuse and how they affect our lives and how to work with them. .In the course of 3 years of intensive work, exposure to different people and different mental problems both in my own private practice, addiction clinic, Jõelähtme [...]
