
Codependency counselor, sound- and hypnotherapist​

Do you feel stuck in life?

I am Andres and I am here to help you find your new beginnings. 

I invite you to boldly take a step towards self-discovery, finding solutions that bring balance and satisfaction in your life.

Together we will find the way to your new opportunities!

I'm available at Üks Maja or online.

"Nothing goes away until it has taught us what we need to know."

Work hours
0 +
Client meetings
500 +
Group therapies
0 +

The results of my work in numbers


7-week co-dependency development group with gong

Does a relationship with a couple, relationships with friends, children or parents pull you into their vortex? You are not alone with your feelings and challenges! You weren't born this way and you can change it.

We invite you to meet at Üks Majas Nõmme on seven Wednesdays in September and October. We discuss the feelings, patterns and challenges that come with codependency in a safe and supportive environment.

The goal of dating is to replace old, unsupportive emotions and patterns with what we desire. Create a loving relationship with yourself.

You are very welcome to attend an individual meeting, but you will get the most benefit if you dedicate 7 weeks to yourself. 

Clients' therapy experiences

Let's cooperate!

Or if you are not quite sure, book a time for a free 30-minute consultation.