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Gong Night AUTHENTICITY - The highest frequency

One House Valdeku 66, Tallinn

On the gong journey, we can see what are the places where we can be even more authentic. Listen even more and trust your intuition. Step out of laziness and victimhood and fears and be […]


Gong Hypnojourney - Raising the Frequency

In a deep relaxation session specially designed to raise the frequency, I combine gong playing and hypnosis to reduce tension in the body, increase inner balance and raise your energetic frequency.Gong hypnojourney is a healing practice where the sounds and vibrations of the gong help […]


Moon Creation Gong: “NEW BEGINNINGS”

One House Valdeku 66, Tallinn

Use the opportunity to cleanse yourself of the old and make room for new beginnings with the support of the MOON and GONGI. The phase of the new moon, when the moon is almost or completely hidden from the Earth, is a symbol of new beginnings in many cultures […]


Gong journey 1/2: GONG and CHAOS - loud sounds

One House Valdeku 66, Tallinn

Do you feel that you need a proper restart for your body and spirit? I invite you to a healing gong journey combo in October: CHAOS and ORDER. At the first meeting (12.10) we will safely go through and accept chaos together so that we can […]


The waxing moon gong

One House Valdeku 66, Tallinn

The time of the waxing moon is associated with positive forward movement and the creation of new opportunities. The waxing moon is often associated with personal growth, expansion and new beginnings. As the moon moves from the new moon phase to the full moon, it is the time when […]



⛺ SALAJÖE TEEPEE GONG NIGHT I invite you to a gong trip in the Salajõe Pühamu Indian tent or teepee. It is a powerful and ancient space for spiritual development that supports looking inward and opening hearts. Let's let go of the old and [...]


Gong hypnojourney “I don't know!

Have you thought about how much freedom and ease you could have if you accepted the fact that you don't know everything?... And in fact, you don't have to know.


Gong journey 2/2: GONG AND CHORD - gentle sounds

One House Valdeku 66, Tallinn

Do you feel that you need a proper restart for your body and spirit? I invite you to a healing gong journey combo in October: CHAOS and ORDER. At the first meeting (12.10) we will safely go through and accept chaos together so that we can […]


Gong Hypnojourney - Purity of Heart

One House Valdeku 66, Tallinn

Heart energy expresses love, compassion, understanding and deep trust. Through the heart, we connect to our emotions and what is truly important. We also get in touch with our true nature and with other people. A big […]


Gongihüpnorännak “Rõõm minus”

"Rõõm minus": Gongirännak enda sisemise päikese loomiseks.Pimedate sügiskuude saabudes on oluline leida viise, kuidas oma sisemist valgust hoida ja kasvatada. Seekordse gongirännaku hüpnoos, helid ja vibratsioonid loovad silla sügava sisemise […]

TARTUS – Gongihüpnorännak “Rõõm minus”

"Rõõm minus": Gongirännak enda sisemise päikese loomiseks.Pimedate sügiskuude saabudes on oluline leida viise, kuidas oma sisemist valgust hoida ja kasvatada. Seekordse gongirännaku hüpnoos, helid ja vibratsioonid loovad silla sügava sisemise […]


Gongihüpnorännak “Ma ei tea”

Have you thought about how much freedom and ease you could have if you accepted the fact that you don't know everything?... And in fact, you don't have to know.
