Does a relationship with a couple, relationships with friends or parents pull you into their vortex?
As co-addicts, it is difficult for us to stay in touch with ourselves. Often, we are not based on ourselves, but on others - on the wishes, emotions, assessments, reactions of others. We prefer to hear the voice of others because our own voice is so quiet that we may never have heard it.
When emotions grow over our heads, we either shut down because we don't dare to express ourselves, or on the contrary - we express ourselves excessively loudly and demandingly.
Suppressed emotions increase the stress level in the body, which can lead to serious psychosomatic diseases such as autoimmune diseases. However, intense conflicts break up our relationships and leave us alone.
Having learned to cope with my co-dependency myself, I have put together a 3-time therapy package in order to find the voice of your true nature together.. Your soul song.
We work through Karpman's drama triangle (rescuer-aggressor-victim) to understand our behaviors and feelings in each role and what we need to do to step out of this triangle. We realize how and as a result of which childhood abuses we have become co-dependent. We are not born this way and we can change it.
By ordering 3 x therapy packages in JUNE you can too free pass to my one, freely chosen to the gong event, where the body reaches a self-healing state (upcoming events). In addition, you can access my The Power of Knowledge abuses to the recording of seminars (value €150. Read more:
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