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PÄRNUS 🕯️ 1. Advendi gongirännak “Ma näen Sind”

1. December 2024 @ 17:00 20:00

Advendiaeg on süvenemise ja pühendumise aeg – nii endale kui ka oma lähisuhetele. Sel gongihüpnorännakul uurime üheskoos, mida tähendab tõeliselt näha teisi ja iseennast.

Selleks, et jõuda võimalikult sügavate mõistmiste ja vabanemisteni, alustame rännakut 30-minutilise vestluse ja küsimuste-vastuste osaga. Osalejad saavad jagada oma mõtteid ja küsida nõu seoses vaimse tervise, elu, suhete ja kaastundega. Minuga koos vastab neile teemadele hüpnoterapeut Kessu Repnau.

Rännakule sisenedes toome tähelepanu sellele, kuidas avardumine ja kaastunne aitavad meil hoida sügavaid, tähendusrikkaid sidemeid. Paljuski märkame oma suhteid ja väärtusi alles siis, kui meid tabab kaotus või elumuutus. Aga mis oleks, kui suudaksime seda teadlikkust hoida igas päevas? See on aeg, et tõeliselt mõista, mis ja kes on meie ümber.

Pühad tuletavad meelde, et oluline pole mitte materiaalne, vaid see, kuidas me üksteist näeme. Lähisuhetesse süvenemine toob arusaama, et igaühel on lugu, mida me võib-olla ei näe, kui jääme kinni oma kitsastesse ootustesse ja hinnangutesse. Läheneme seekord teise inimese kogemusele avatud südame ja mõistmisega.

Rännakul aitavad gongihelid rahuneda ja leida sisemine vaikus, kus saame kogeda armastust ja pühalikkust. Sealt algab sügavam teadlikkus ja ühendus – oma südame ja teistega. Luba endal näha teist inimest uue pilguga ja ilma hinnanguteta.

📍 TOIMUMISE KOHT: Ammende villa, Pärnu
📆 TOIMUMISE AEG: 01.12.2024 kell 17.00-20.00

  • Varajane ostja kuni 24.11: 27€
  • Tavapilet: 30€
  • Friend ticket (for two participants): €50

PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED as space is limited. Buying a ticket from Fienta guarantees a seat.

NB! Gongiõhtu toimub lamades. Võta endaga kaasa kõik, mis teeb Su pikutamise võimalikult mõnusaks, soojaks ja nauditavaks – pehme matt, lambanahk, soe pleed, padjake, mugavad riided. Võta kaasa ka veepudel ning kaustik ja kirjutusvahend oma mõtete või nägemuste ülestähendamiseks.

You are very welcome!

🙋‍♀️ KESSU REPNAU, Terapeut, Life coach ja hüpnotisöör.
Olen terve oma elu süübinud inimkeha- ja hinge käikudesse. Tegelen tervema mina loomisega nii vaimselt kui füüsiliselt. Olen praktiseerinud psühholoogiat ja õppinud hüpnoositeraapiat. Teraapia on minu kirg ja hobi ja töö. Mind köidavad alateadvuse keerdkäigud ja nende mõjutamine. Olen avastanud oma teekonnal et meie kõige suuremaks takistuseks on meie oma alateadvus ning mind rõõmustab fakt et see on muudetav.

🙋 ANDRES PÕHJALA, Kaassõltuvusnõustaja, heli- ja hüpnoterapeut​.
I work as a therapist and counselor in private practice Andres Põhjala Terapia. I came to this profession purely through a personal need to heal mentally and physically.

It has become my heart to unlock and learn about the true nature of myself and others so that we can tap into our true potential and live an enjoyable multifaceted life.

However, our true nature often hides itself under the layer of abuses and traumas. The defense mechanisms of the ego, which were created to protect the true nature, must be gradually opened.

Abuses have created an emotional Bermuda triangle of FEAR, SHAME and GUILT where we lose ourselves and lose all sense of direction. Therefore, in my work I pay a lot of attention to emotions, feelings and self-awareness. I give you a fishing line instead of a fish and with it the responsibility for your own well-being.

By realizing that we have different choices in every life situation, we can stay on course for our life and well-being, and thus be the captains of our own lives.

I specialize in working with people suffering from codependency and addiction because of my own personal experience with these complex psychological conditions. And also in dealing with these conditions. But I also accept people with other problematic situations, guiding them through psychological twists and turns towards self-awareness and healing.

I constantly update myself with modern psychotherapy approaches in order to offer better psychological and spiritual help to my clients, to develop myself as a person and as a therapist.

The field of therapy that I have been practicing with passion lately is sound therapy. Having struggled with anxiety all my life, I felt how easy it is to come into full presence both when participating in a gong journey and playing the gong myself. This is the key to healing. Just lay down and let things happen. In this elevated state, negative emotions cannot drag us down. The body's energy reserves are restored. We reconnect with childlike joy. We see new opportunities. We are able to see our lives from the side. We are faced with choices again.

I truly believe that we always have a choice and that change is possible.

The gong is an ancient and awe-inspiring instrument with a powerful and all-encompassing sound. Considered to be one of the oldest musical instruments in the world, this sacred instrument is known for its mystical sound and rich overtones. We are accompanied on this journey by 6 different gongs, a shaman's drum and crystal sound bowls.
The vibration of the gongs quickly brings the body into a state where the body, mind and feelings are in a uniform frequency. Immersing in the world of gong sounds, the worries and problems of everyday life dissipate, creating a pleasant moment of relaxation.

The sounds of the gong affect the brain, bringing it into a state of alpha and theta waves, which in turn supports the growth of creativity and strengthens the immune system. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions, words and actions are also vibrations that we emit. With the help of gong sounds, it is possible to organize, change and balance these vibrations.

People who have participated in gong meditations and ceremonies often report feeling rested, refreshed and inspired after the session. They experience new solutions to problems, find answers to questions, and experience inner peace, joy, bliss, and bursts of creativity.

Journey with the Gongs is a meditative session where participants lie or sit comfortably while a sound therapist or musician plays the gongs, creating an immersive sound space. This practice allows for deep relaxation where participants may experience altered states of mind, visions or emotional release. The sound waves help reduce mental activity and enter a meditative, trance-like state where the body and mind can initiate their own healing processes.

Gong sound healing is part of the broader practice of sound therapy, which includes a variety of instruments and techniques for using sound for healing purposes. It is based on the understanding that everything in the universe, including the human body, vibrates at certain frequencies. The deep resonances of the gongs help restore harmony to the body's natural vibrations, relieving physical tension and emotional stress.

Sound healing with gongs can offer a number of potential benefits, including:
🟡 Reducing stress and anxiety. The deeply relaxing effects of the sounds of gongs can help reduce stress and anxiety levels.
🟡 Deeper relaxation and better sleep. The practice can improve sleep quality, helping participants fall asleep faster and sleep more deeply.
🟡 Emotional release. Traveling with the gongs provides a safe environment to express and release emotions.
🟡 Mental clarity and increasing intuition. The meditative state promoted by the gongs helps clarify thoughts and strengthen intuition.
