On the gongs, Andres Põhjala
Superbreathing is taught by Liina Carolina Forsel
Release stress, anxiety and unconscious blocks.
Superbreathing is a breathing process lasting 1 hour and 20 minutes, which is assembled from the best elements of the holotropic, transpersonal and transformative breathing school. Unlike many other breathing techniques, superbreathing has a predetermined breathing rhythm, bodywork and voice are used to effectively get rid of blockages and tensions accumulated in the body during life.
Super-breathing of the gong makes it possible to restart incomplete and repressed experiences and physical and emotional processes and charges from the subconscious, piece by piece, in order to finally integrate them (dissolve, release).
As a result, the emotional connection with the past experience is broken in the nervous system. However, the system stores information about the situation in such a way that what happened has passed and is now safe. This, in turn, gives the opportunity to react differently to similar situations in the future, to get rid of habitual automatic reactions once and for all.
Access to the subconscious allows a shortcut to accumulated stress, repressed emotions, and both mental and physical tensions and blockages created as a result of trauma - incomplete emotional charges. Accessing them means being able to consciously experience them bodily as physical sensations, unfinished reflexes, impulses or emotions.
Turning off everyday thinking, either partially or completely, allows more focus on experiencing without analysis and meaning. It creates an opportunity to take what is experienced exactly as it is. In this way, the nervous system can more easily and easily allow, experience and process what is happening in the body.
The gong is an ancient and awe-inspiring instrument with a powerful and all-encompassing sound. Considered to be one of the oldest musical instruments in the world, this sacred instrument is known for its mystical sound and rich overtones. We are accompanied on this journey by 6 different gongs, a shaman's drum and crystal sound bowls.
The vibration of the gongs quickly brings the body into a state where the body, mind and feelings are in perfect balance. Immersing yourself in the world of gong sounds, the worries and problems of everyday life dissipate, creating a pleasant moment of relaxation.
The sounds of the gong affect the brain, bringing it into a state of alpha and theta waves, which in turn supports the growth of creativity and strengthens the immune system. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions, words and actions are also vibrations that we emit. With the help of gong sounds, it is possible to organize, change and balance these vibrations.
People who have participated in gong meditations and ceremonies often report feeling rested, refreshed and inspired after the session. They experience new solutions to problems, find answers to questions, and experience inner peace, joy, bliss, and bursts of creativity.
Journey with the Gongs is a meditative session where participants lie or sit comfortably while a sound therapist or musician plays the gongs, creating an immersive sound space. This practice allows for deep relaxation where participants may experience altered states of mind, visions or emotional release. The sound waves help reduce mental activity and enter a meditative, trance-like state where the body and mind can initiate their own healing processes.
Gong sound healing is part of the broader practice of sound therapy, which includes a variety of instruments and techniques for using sound for healing purposes. It is based on the understanding that everything in the universe, including the human body, vibrates at certain frequencies. The deep resonances of the gongs help restore harmony to the body's natural vibrations, relieving physical tension and emotional stress.
Sound healing with gongs can offer a number of potential benefits, including: Reducing stress and anxiety. The deeply relaxing effects of the sounds of gongs can help reduce stress and anxiety levels.
Deeper relaxation and better sleep. The practice can improve sleep quality, helping participants fall asleep faster and sleep more deeply.
Emotional release. Traveling with the gongs provides a safe environment to express and release emotions.
Increasing mental clarity and intuition. The meditative state promoted by the gongs helps clarify thoughts and strengthen intuition.
VENUE: Uks Maja Valdeku 66, Tallinn.
EVENT TIME: 04.05.2024 at 19.00-21.30 Entrance from 18.30
Payment on site in cash or fienta: https://fienta.com/et/gongi-superhingamine-89208
If necessary, we issue an invoice to the company.
PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED as space is limited. Buying a ticket from Fienta guarantees a seat.
Book here: https://andrespohjala.com/kontakt/
Additional information: If possible, bring a bottle of water and a notebook and a writing tool. Dress comfortably.
The sound tour takes place lying down and everything you need is available on site. Sheepskins, yoga mats, plaids and a very cozy and safe space.
You are very welcome!
My name is Liina Carolina, I am a 40-year-old woman, mother of one adult daughter.
I have an academic education in law, in addition, I have completed a three-year psychotherapist course at the Private School of Transpersonal Psychology and Hypnotherapy, Teadlik Me, studied biosensory psychology and bioenergetics at the specialist level for eight years at the Tallinn Institute of Biosensory Psychology, within the framework of which I have studied hundreds of hours and practiced various breathing techniques for entering altered states of consciousness, for their research and to unlock and implement your natural, but so far hidden, abilities.
For the past five years, I have managed my own real estate company, but at the same time I have also advised women on sexual health issues, given women's intimate gymnastics training classes with bioenergetics and conducted gong breathing sessions with Andres Põhjala and Vilmar Schiff in various places in Estonia.
I became more interested in breathing techniques and altered states of consciousness about ten years ago when I came across a superbreathing group session conducted by Alar Tammingu and also put together by him. By that day, I had been suffering from symptoms of depression for over 1.5 years. For about a year, I had gone to the counseling of a psychologist and started studying transpersonal psychology myself. Certainly, the psychologist and psychology studies helped, but they gave very slow results compared to super breathing, which already lifted me out of the state of depression six times.
That time, when I went for super breathing, I could not have expected such a positive result as I got there. This is one of the reasons why today, out of great gratitude for this breathing technique, I am teaching super breathing with gong sounds. This breathing technique freed me from depression and gave me a deep interest in altered states of consciousness, through which I have in turn learned and discovered more about my own happiness and being human than I could have ever imagined.