The Power of Knowledge III - Sexual abuse


The Power of Knowledge III – Sexual abuse: difficulties with functioning boundaries.

Durability: 2h 58min


The main work is with the emotional side, which has been damaged by childhood abuse or has not developed healthily. The structure is the understanding and knowledge of the abuses and the resulting symptoms. It is necessary to thoroughly know emotions and the stories of the origin of these emotions.

During 3 years of intensive work, contact with different people and different mental problems both in my own private practice, in the addiction clinic, in the ISTE project of Jõelähtme municipality and as a co-dependency specialist in the mental health center in Tallinn, led me to understand that I need a structure for psychological work with people in addition to a creative approach. Structure is something that supports the therapist in working with the client.

Communicating with different people in the field of psychology and social structures, as well as based on my professional experiences, I realized that a seminar like this is crucial to support the work of therapists, experienced counselors, psychologists and other people working with mental health in different fields.
This knowledge gives self-confidence and additional skills in customer work, as well as deeper insights on a personal level. Understanding how patterns of thought, feeling and behavior arise during childhood abuse and how they affect our lives and how to work with them.


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