During a gong therapy session, a person usually lies comfortably and simply lets the sounds of the gongs surround him. The session usually lasts 1.5h - 2.5h. Before the sound journey, there is a conversation, looking at the presented problem, which can be a physical ailment, emotional tension or some other inescapable situation in life.
The use of gongs is an effective tool because it allows us to better connect with the body and feeling level through altered states of consciousness. Gongs create extraordinary sounds, penetrate deep into the level of human feelings, creating deep experiences. In gong therapy, one can also experience a connection with the subconscious. With a psychological approach, we can interpret these experiences and bring this knowledge to practical use in everyday life.
The use of gongs is a very effective tool both in individual therapy and in groups. Gongs create sounds that penetrate deep into a person's being, bringing out emotional, mental, and psychological blockages. Which allows you to observe them, understand their deeper nature and dissolve them.
All in all, gong therapy offers a unique and effective way to relieve stress, relax, promote overall well-being, and balance the mind. Gong together with psychotherapy offers a holistic approach that helps a person develop a deeper self-awareness, which is the foundation of self-development.
At the same time, the whole experience can be very relaxing and calming.
Gong therapy sessions are perfect for those who want to release their tension, stress, anxiety and other tensions and don't necessarily want to talk about their problems. The vibration of the gong is one of the few instruments that can penetrate our nervous system, creating changes in consciousness and allowing the removal of blockages on both a physical and emotional level. During gong therapy sessions, the client not only hears the gong, but also feels the vibrations of the gong. It leads quite effortlessly into meditative states.
Sound therapy may not be suitable for hearing disorders, sound stress (misogyny) or psychiatric diagnoses such as psychosis and schizophrenia.
In the field of sound therapy, I specialize in gong therapy, as I am a trained hypnotherapist, and the work with gongs is also largely at the subconscious level. My goal is to help heal your physical and mental state through gongs and a psychological approach.
Gong therapy is an ancient practice that uses sound vibration and the healing effect of resonance.
I also use other musical instruments during the session.
An individual audio journey, after which we briefly discuss the experience that happened during the journey and try to decipher what we experienced.
The duration of an individual meeting should be 2-2.5 hours
In the first part of the meeting, we identify patterns, explore the root causes of problems and symptoms.
This is followed by an audio journey for 1 hour and then we discuss the experience during the journey and try to decipher what we experienced.
Would you like to experience the gong journey in private with your dear friends or colleagues?
2,5-tunnine gongikontsert on saadaval: Tallinna piires kohaletulemisega või Üks Majas Nõmmel (+100€).
In gong therapy, it is possible to get relief from physical ailments as well as deep insights and clarity about all kinds of other challenges in life.
Gong tours can be ordered for a birthday or a company party or joint meeting. For kindergartens and schools.
Historical and cultural background of gongs
Gongs are one of the oldest instruments created by mankind, having been used for over 5,000 years in rituals and healing in various cultures. Gongs are often made from different metals that have different vibrations and sound frequencies, helping to create a unique sound experience. The sounds of the gongs affect our brain waves, helping us to move from waking beta waves to calmer alpha wave states and on to deep theta wave meditative states. This process helps slow the heart and breathing rate and increases melatonin, endorphin and dopamine levels, which are associated with feelings of calmness and clarity.
Effects of Gongs on Brain Waves
Scientific studies have shown that sound therapy, especially the use of gongs, can relieve stress, anxiety and improve sleep. Sound vibrations affect the cells and organs of our body, helping them to restore their optimal vibrational frequencies. This is important because stress, depression and illness can cause changes in the vibrational frequency of cells.
Scientific evidence for the benefits of gong therapy
In addition, sound therapy is effective in promoting neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to change and develop its structures and functions. This is especially important in the treatment of trauma and PTSD, where sound therapy helps create new, healthy neuroconnections, helping people recover from trauma and release intense emotions.
The effect of sound therapy on the body is also related to the so-called piezoelectric effect, where sound vibrations generate electrical impulses in the body's tissues, thereby contributing to cell renewal and healing. This process is important in alleviating various physical ailments such as chronic pain and muscle tension.
Gong sounds versatility allows them to create different energies, sounds and vibrations that work in synergy to create endless possibilities. When played gently and slowly, the gongs create soothing and healing sounds and overtones that help you simply slip into deep states of consciousness. When played more energetically, the gongs create sounds that are invigorating and awakening, yet still allow for deep contemplation and relaxation. When played more strongly, gongs can create powerful sounds that affect a person's deeper physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues and blockages.