
What is codependency? How does it affect, to a lesser or greater degree, most people through close relationships? Codependency occurs as a result of childhood abuse. Parents cause the child to feel shame, incompetence or a great sense of superiority. Codependency is about […]

Relationship issues

If you notice these symptoms in your relationship, therapy may be recommended to help find solutions and restore a healthy relationship. Communication Problems: When a couple cannot communicate effectively with each other, misunderstandings can arise and […]


Anxiety disorder is a mental disorder in which a person feels unreasonable, excessive or prolonged anxiety that interferes with their daily life and coping. Mental symptoms: restlessness, inability to relax, constant feeling of tension, worry, difficulty concentrating, fear of losing one's […]


International expert on addiction and co-dependency, Pia Mellody, has described that addiction is a substitute activity that aims to divert a person's attention from a reality that is unbearable for them. Since it has the power to overshadow the inevitable […]


The symptoms of depression vary from person to person, but there are some common signs that can be noticed. To be diagnosed with depression, these symptoms must last for at least two weeks and interfere with daily life. Symptoms of depression […]


Emotional and psychological trauma is the result of extremely stressful events that shatter your sense of security and make you feel helpless and threatened. Psychological trauma can leave you with frequent disturbing feelings, memories [...]


Understanding grief processes In working with grief, I have seen how people develop a new zest for life and optimism about the present and the future after dealing with grief. Lightness comes and as if anxiety falls from the soul and shoulders and [...]

Stress A common manifestation of stress is when a person feels that everything necessary has not been done, but there is no time at all. Often, when acting in a situation of excessive stress, such thoughts as "I […]


During one course, I got completely stuck. I woke up at night because my heart was beating wildly. I was gripped by fear. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. All the tests were fine, the doctors didn't find any [...]