FREE WEBINAR: “Codependency and the Karpman Triangle
Welcome to a FREE webinar that introduces 18.09 starting co-dependency development group and opens the dynamics of co-dependence.
- Meet Andres and Gerly, the facilitators of the development group,
- get answers to your questions
- and learn more about Karpman's triangle and discover how you function in this dynamic.
WHO: Andres Põhjala and Gerly Siimenson
WHEN: 10.09.2024 at 18.30-19.30
WHERE: In Zoom
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The Karpman Triangle, also known as the Drama Triangle, is a psychological model used to describe the dynamics of interpersonal conflict. The model describes three roles that people often play in conflicts: victim, rescuer, and aggressor.
All of these roles exist in each of us, and some are harder to acknowledge than others.
Be aware, without judging yourself, which role you are most often in.
To get out of the drama triangle, the most important thing is that all participants are aware of their roles.
A victim
Feeling helpless and looking for someone to help him. Believes that the situation is beyond his control and he cannot change anything himself.
Feels the need to help others, sometimes even if help is not asked for. He tries to solve the victim's problems, often at the expense of his own needs. Often feels responsible for everything and everyone and protects the victim from the aggressor.
Blames others and feels that the situation is someone else's fault. He can be critical, aggressive and demanding.
The seminar and the development group are managed
Gerly Simonson
Gerly is the founder and leader of the Fokuspunkt venture. The focus point's mission is to raise people's awareness about addictions, but mainly to support a fellow addict. Based on her experience, Gerly has created a 4-week journey "From co-dependence to being yourself".
In addition to teaching her own course, Gerly organizes various online events at Fokuspunkt, where stories of experience are shared, many different methods and specialists are introduced, so that everyone can find the one that suits them best. Fokuspunkt brings home specialists and topics that need to be discussed, but which you are perhaps not yet ready to discuss with a stranger in an office, via the Internet. Gerly believes that by supporting a fellow addict, one can also indirectly help a person with an addiction problem.
Gerly has pulled herself out of codependency and destructive patterns, built herself up, and knows that others are capable of doing the same. Today, his heart is to contribute to this field and create a really good change.
Andres Põhjala
Andres on kaassõltuvusnõustaja, heli- ja hüpnoterapeut. Tal on isiklik elukokogemus nii kaassõltlase kui sõltlasena, mistõttu oskab ta väga hästi sõtluvusest rääkida nii läbi sõltlase kui kaassõltlase pilgu.
Years of studies in the field of psychology have helped him get out of both alcohol and co-dependency.
Andres's heart has become to discover and learn about the true nature of ourselves and others, so that we can realize our true potential and live an enjoyable multifaceted life.